Section 4 Understanding Salvation - 12 The Purpose, Life And Death Of Jesus Christ

Question: If Saint Joseph had other children, did You live together with them?

God’s answer:

We were a joint household.

Question: Were You rich or poor?

God’s answer:

We were simple.
I came from humble beginnings.

Meaning: They were of simple means. During the presentation of Jesus, St. Joseph offered two turtle doves. The wealthier families would offer a lamb.

God used the word simple and not poor. In this case simplicity is not just about monetary means, it is a statement of their preferred lifestyle. God chose to be born in simplicity to make a statement that wealth and social status are unimportant. They do not define who and what you are.


Question: Did Mother Mary know You were God?

God’s answer:

Mother Mary’s hand pointing up


JHS (Jesus)

I am Our son.

Meaning: The answer is No. She knew Jesus as her son with God.

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